Unlocking Billions: How Accountants Can Help SMEs Close the Late Payments Gap

September 12, 2024

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the UK are owed billions in unpaid invoices. A late payments crisis is disrupting the cash flow of thousands of firms, preventing them from meeting their financial obligations and stifling investment and growth. 

At Paycada, we believe accountants are in a unique position to help address this issue. Our latest guide, Unlocking Billions, explores how you can become a key ally for your SME clients by helping recover unpaid invoices, improve cash flow management, and ultimately build resilience.

Did you know that almost a third (31%) of SMEs have delayed investments because of late payments, according to Aldermore?

Discover how you can elevate your services and support your clients in overcoming the late payments crisis by taking practical steps and leveraging automated tools like Paycada to unlock revenue that might otherwise be written off.

Download the guide now to learn how you can make a lasting impact in helping your SME clients navigate this growing challenge. 

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