step three UI examplestep two user interface screenshotinvoice paid on time

Accountancy Firms

Help your clients tackle late payments

Diversify your firm’s services and offer your clients streamlined accounts receivable management

Help your clients reduce late payments

As an accounting practice, you play a crucial role in managing your client’s finances. Paycada offers smart accounts receivable solutions that integrate seamlessly with Xero.

Late payments can impact a business’s cash flow. Paycada’s automated payment reminders ensure that your clients receive payments on time, improving their financial stability and freeing up working capital.

Paycada web app UI

Enhanced Collection Service

Do your clients have long-standing debt that remains unpaid despite repeated reminders?Paycada ensures no overdue invoice slips through the cracks. Our Enhanced Collection Service is powered by our sister company Bluestone Credit Management, an FCA-regulated collections agency, this is a fully integrated service that takes debt recovery to the next level. Operating on a no-win, no-fee model, you only pay for the results we deliver.

How Paycada fits in

multiple invoices graphic


Create invoices in your Xero accounting software.


Paycada starts communications.


Client receives automated payment reminders.

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Trigger our fully digital Enhanced Collection Service.


Client receives Bluestone Credit Management branded communications.


Client pays through our easy to use payment portal.

Supporting your business growth

Paycada not only reduces manual processes but also improves cash flow and working capital leaving your client to do what matters, growing their business.

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Get paid
on time and in full

Smarter follow-ups mean more invoices are paid on time.

UI of paid invoicesgreen paid badge

No more manual chasing

Paycada integrates seamlessly with your existing Xero account, and there’s no limit to the number of invoices you can manage.

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UI of due assetsorange due badge
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Minimum effort, maximum control

Our real-time Xero integration allows for instant and accurate data in your Xero account at all times.

UI of overdue assetsoverdue red badge

Let's Connect

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Not an accounting firm?

Tired of chasing late payments? Explore how Paycada’s solutions can simplify your accounts receivable process and support your business growth.