Diversify your service offering

Introduce Paycada to your clients and unlock new revenue streams

client relationships

Are you looking to diversify your accounting firm's services to clients and open up new revenue opportunities? Introduce your clients to Paycada, and provide them with cutting-edge accounts receivable management that integrates seamlessly with Xero, enhancing both their financial health and your revenue stream.

Why partner
with Paycada?

By partnering with Paycada, you’ll help your clients manage their invoices and late payments more efficiently.

Partners can maximise their earning potential by recommending Paycada to their clients. Contact us for more information about how we financially incentivise our partners.

If you don’t use Xero but your clients do, that's no problem! You can still be a partner and introduce your clients who use Xero to Paycada.

How Paycada fits in

multiple invoices graphic


Create invoices in your Xero accounting software.


Paycada starts communications.


Client receives automated payment reminders.

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Trigger our fully digital Enhanced Collection Service.


Client receives Bluestone Credit Management branded communications.


Client pays through our easy to use payment portal.

Contact us

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